The student group responded in kind by supporting him with some good sales.
It is good for students' to experience the interaction necessary to haggle for best outcomes.
The quality of the rest of the tool kit is exactly appropriate. I particularly like the sliding bevel supplied.
As a note for next intake...I think I should re-include a stanley or similar craft blade knife.
We have processed our timbers. Two students' had a day away for various reasons. During this time I carried on with their work to prevent them getting behind. These students' seem to have caught up on safety issues well.
The butterfly wing method of doubling the end timbers of the toolbox has been good for students to see the method of symmetrical buiding. We likened it to the building of sawn temporary frames.
The CAT Boatbuilding Theory CD has been used and the pathway to it shown and recorded.
We have saved discussions on the Smartboard but have I.T. trouble at present saving as a powerpoint. (Job logged with help.I.T.
Anthony Deep rips the timber for the sides of his ToolBox.
I think we might have students search the concept of creative commons.
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